Iranische Paramilitärs ermorden Zivilistin

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Basij (Iranian paramilitary forces) killed a young woman with a shot aimed at the heart in Tehran’s Saturday June 20th protests at 19:05 June 20th. Place: Karekar Ave., at the intersection of Khosravi St. and Salehi St.

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  1. Tom Openminded

    Nada’s Loss is a loss for all, we as a society cannot believe the injustice that has been done here to this young lady and to all throughout the Iranian Nation as with around the World. We in the United States DO CARE about the Iranian People. We Believe in a Free and Democratic Society. Just look at our way of society and you be the judge. We can walk around being free, say what we want, do what we want, live how we want, travel where we want, live where we want. Yes we have problems too, BUT., not like any other countries problems within the free speech and free society. Now is the time for ALL IRANIANS TO STAND UP. Get rid of the Dictatorship and start Living a Normal Decent Life, without Fear, or threats, or Religious beliefs. The time is now to take that stand.
    Good Luck to all of you,

    Best wishes

    A United States Citizen

  2. parvane

    Sie stand einfach neben seinem Vater und nahm friedlich im Demo teil.Sie schaute einfach die Demo an und wurde von jemandem aus dem Dach einer Gebäude geschoßen.Sie starb innerhalb 2 Minuten.

  3. ezra

    🙁 ich hoffe sehr, dass der tot der frau nicht sinnlos bleibt, sondern dass es das iranische volk schafft das regime zu stürzen.